ডেঙ্গুসংক্রান্তমধ্যমগ্রামএলাকাভিত্তিকযেকোনতথ্যজানাথাকলেসতর্কহোনওপুরসভাকতৃপক্ষেরকাছেজানান,পানীয়জলেরঅপচয়বন্ধকরুন,সঠিকসময়েকরপ্রদানকরুন, রাস্তাঘাটপরিস্কারপরিচ্ছন্নরাখুন,উন্নয়নমুলককাজেপৌরসভারসহিতসহযোগিতাকরুন, এলাকায়গাছলাগান...

 পশ্চিমবঙ্গ সরকারের সামাজিক ও জনকল্যানমূলক সমস্ত প্রকল্পের অনলাইন সুবিধা গ্রহনের জন্য সম্পুর্ন বিনামূল্যে মধ্যমগ্রাম পৌরসভার বাংলা সহায়তা কেন্দ্রে যোগাযোগ করুন।

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               Geographic Information System (G. I. S) 

What is G. I. S?

In this age of Information and Technology, GIS comes in as the best tool for Planning and Development. An Urban Landscape is in constant need for Decision making and the availability of updated data helps in the management level to facilitate administrative procedures, implementation of policies as well as development strategy. Thus, improving the quality of Urban Planning and Management. Information further can assist decision making as well as support organizing activities. Therefore it is necessary for projection, evaluation, implementation of policy and to watch out for the changes that are in progress. In this view, GIS is seen as the most suitable solution for handling spatial information. Detail Mapping of Land use will enable the Municipality to undertake proposals for effecting development and regulatory control in the Municipality.

Madhyamgram Municipality and GIS
The GIS for Madhyamgram Municipality has been the key for decisions regarding Land use and spatial issues, development, environmental and economic issues. It will form an spatially reference information system, which can be used as a decision making tool. The GIS has been able to collect, store and integrate geographically related information. It will also provide analysis and thematic map products. Implementation of this technology has led to certain benefits. In the long run it will help in:

        i.increased productivity with more efficient updating and the ability to report information quickly.

      ii.availability of more reliable and updated information.

    iii.improvement of reduced duplication of effort as more readily accessible data will avid duplication of data collection and analysis.

    iv.integration of all map data into a single shared, distributed database.

      v.improving coordination between departments and facilitating the storing of data

    vi.solving different problems using new geo-processing techniques.

  vii.providing better service to municipal users resulting to more efficient information processing