ডেঙ্গুসংক্রান্তমধ্যমগ্রামএলাকাভিত্তিকযেকোনতথ্যজানাথাকলেসতর্কহোনওপুরসভাকতৃপক্ষেরকাছেজানান,পানীয়জলেরঅপচয়বন্ধকরুন,সঠিকসময়েকরপ্রদানকরুন, রাস্তাঘাটপরিস্কারপরিচ্ছন্নরাখুন,উন্নয়নমুলককাজেপৌরসভারসহিতসহযোগিতাকরুন, এলাকায়গাছলাগান...

 পশ্চিমবঙ্গ সরকারের সামাজিক ও জনকল্যানমূলক সমস্ত প্রকল্পের অনলাইন সুবিধা গ্রহনের জন্য সম্পুর্ন বিনামূল্যে মধ্যমগ্রাম পৌরসভার বাংলা সহায়তা কেন্দ্রে যোগাযোগ করুন।

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Tuesday, January 21, 2025


Brief History of Madhyamgram

            Madhyamgram is connected rather situated in between Sajirhat Sodepur Road at the one end and Jessore Road on the other. Till 1950, it was full of jungles and without any development. The situation was not conducive to better living for the people. There were some houses few and far between and the existence of human being was found to be rare during darkness at night except pig and jackal, the people availed the train at Madhyamgram Station from Badu Road. Milkman used to go to Sealdah market for selling milk. Some hutments only were found forty years ago & now we have huge number of pucca buildings and also with Electricity.

            Madhyamgram Union was formed in the year 1924. Before that there was Chaukidari, Panchayat. In later years this union transformed into 3 Anchal Parishads - Basunagar, Madhyamgram & Ganganagar.  In 1950, there was an influx of Refugees who come with a deep sense of horror and torture during their stay in Bangladesh. Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy ordered for their rehabilitation & directed the District Magistrates accordingly. Dr. Roy was a man of different stature and did not like always to work according to rules. He conveyed his instructions to theGovt. employees in similar manner. And for  this reason there was a difference of opinion between him and the central Govt. in respect of implementation of Refugee Rehabilitation Policies. After his demise no such strong policies /actions were taken to rehabilitate the refuges from erstwhile East Bengal (now Bangladesh), rather the situation has been worsened. 

Madhyamgram High School is situated nearer to Madhyamgram Rly. Station. The place was under water with full of small ponds and watery areas. There was an office of Madhyamgram Peace and Welfare Committee made of Bamboo & palm leaf where migrant people took shelter .The Refugee families were allotted land 5 kathas for each family & in this respect Sri Sudhir Roy Chowdhary, Sri Chandra kanta Bandopadhya, Sri Birendra Nath Roy Chowdhury and Sri Jitendra Nath Sarkar played a great role. Jiten Babu was an idol to the people of Madhyamgram. Sub-divisional officer, Sri Biresh Chandra and Sri Bireswar Chowdhury, circle officer Sri Debdas Dasgupta and Inspector of Police Baidyanath Majumder extended their full support and cooperation in all respect to the people of this area and as a token of respect and gratitude to them some areas were named as Bireshpally, DebadasPally etc.