ডেঙ্গুসংক্রান্তমধ্যমগ্রামএলাকাভিত্তিকযেকোনতথ্যজানাথাকলেসতর্কহোনওপুরসভাকতৃপক্ষেরকাছেজানান,পানীয়জলেরঅপচয়বন্ধকরুন,সঠিকসময়েকরপ্রদানকরুন, রাস্তাঘাটপরিস্কারপরিচ্ছন্নরাখুন,উন্নয়নমুলককাজেপৌরসভারসহিতসহযোগিতাকরুন, এলাকায়গাছলাগান...

 পশ্চিমবঙ্গ সরকারের সামাজিক ও জনকল্যানমূলক সমস্ত প্রকল্পের অনলাইন সুবিধা গ্রহনের জন্য সম্পুর্ন বিনামূল্যে মধ্যমগ্রাম পৌরসভার বাংলা সহায়তা কেন্দ্রে যোগাযোগ করুন।

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Madhyamgram Municipality

Sri Nimai Ghosh 


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 Last Update

Tuesday, January 21, 2025


 Basic Statistics

Municipality ESTD


Term wise Elected/ Nominated  Chairman



No. of Wards


Ward Delimitation

23 to 25 (as on 2009) and 25-28 (as on 2015)

Status of the Municipality


Area bounded by

North: Barasat Municipality, South: Uttar Dum Dum Municipality & Rajarhart Municipality, West: Barasat Municipality, Rohanda & Chandigarh G.P, East: New Barrackpore Municipality

Geographical Location

Coordinates: 22°42′N 88°27′E / 22.788.45.Madhyamgram is a small town in the district of North 24 Parganas within the Indian state of West Bengal and suburban of Metropolitan City Kolkata, having Calcutta postal code and telephone zone (33). It is under the jurisdiction of Barasat sadar subdivision  within the limit of Barasat and Airport police stations and under the local jurisdiction of Madhyamgram Municipality. It is a part of the area covered by Kolkata Metropolitan Development Authority. It has an average elevation of 15 metres (49 feet). .


The climate is tropical, like the rest of the Gangetic West Bengal. The hallmark is the Monsoon—early June to mid September. The weather remains dry during the winter (mid-November to mid-February) and humid during summer.Temperature :41 °C in May(Max) and 10 °C in January(Min)

Relative Humidity: Between 50% in March & 90% in July

Average Rainfall :1579mm




Madhyamgram City




City Population








Children (0-6)




Average Literacy (%)

89.60 %

92.69 %

86.46 %




Child Sexratio



Hinduism is majority religion in Madhyamgram city with 89.36 % followers. Islam is second most popular religion in city of Madhyamgram with approximately 9.76 % following it. In Madhyamgram city, Christinity is followed by 0.47 %, Jainism by 0.01 %, Sikhism by 0.19 % and Buddhism by 0.19 %. Around 0.01 % stated 'Other Religion', approximately 0.14 % stated 'No Particular Religion'. 


21.56 sq km

Population (2011 Census)



Majority of the citizens speak Bengali, Official Language : Bengali, Hindi,Business Language : English

No. of Employees

Permanent-240, Others-750 (as on 04.07.2020)


Information on infrastructure of Madhyamgram Municipality

Civic Amenities and Services
Total Roads in Km.: 770 Km
(Back top-225Km, Concrete+BFS+Macadum-475Km, Non metal-70km).
No of bridge / flyovers: Bridge-07, FLYOVER-ONE (R.O.B)
No of Water Reservoirs: 6(ESR)
Length of Water distribution network (Also mention no. of industrial, commercial and domestic connections): 397 Km. distribution. Commercial& Industrial-630, Domestic-37487
No. of treatment Pants: ONE
No. of waterways / rivers / canals: 4(LLK2, NOAI, BANIKANTHA,CC1)
No. of ferry ghats: NIL
No. of markets : 22
No. of Auditorium: TWO
No. of Parks: 50
No. of Stadium (Booth indoor and outdoor): Indoor – One (Under Construction), Outdoor-ONE
No. of Swimming Pools: TWO
No. of Sports Institutions / Academy: ONE ( Barasat Barrackpur South Zone Sports Association)
No. Of Correctional Homes:NIL
Nirmal Bangla
Quantity of Solid waste generated per day (MT): 55 tpd
Quantity of solid waste collected: 46 tpd
Quantity of segregated waste collected: NIL
Disposal System of collected waste: Attached with this proforma.
(A brief detailed report on SWM)
Length of drains (In KM): Covered drain-99 Km, Open drain-281KM.
Area covered with sewer system: NIL
Total length of sewer lines: NIL
No. of Sewerage Treatment Plants (MLD): NIL
Quantity of Sewage treated (MLD): NIL
No. of Public Toilets: 08
No. of Burning Ghats: TWO
No. of electric crematorium: ONE
No. of Burial Grounds: 22
No. of disposal ground for dead animals: One
No. of Primary Health Centers: FOUR
No. of Nursing Home: SIX
No. of Hospitals (including Govt. run state hospitals): TWO
No. of Primary School: 30
No. of Reputed big Educational Institutions including Technical Institutions: Higher Secendary-15, College-1, English Medium (H.S)-7, kinder Garden-6, Technical Institution-2
(A brief detailed report on Educational facilities)
Places of Importance
Report on important Religious Places:
1.        Madhyamgram Kalibari, sodepur Road.
2.        Buddhist Temple, Badu Road.
3.        Missionaries of Charity, Nirmala Kennedy Centre (Institution established by mother Teressa), Jessore Road.
4.        Sisters of Charity, Meghdoot.
5.        Hindu Milan Mandir(Run by Bharat Sebashram Sangha)
Report on Historical / Heritage sites:
1.        National Shakti Pith, Maiclenagar.
2.        Bio diversity  park at Badurtala.
Report on important festivals and fairs:
Paribesh Sachetanata Mela, Subhash Mela, Rash Mela, Book Fair, Khadi Fair
Report on Tourist Spots:   NIL
Industry and other economic activity:
No. of Major Industries: 314.
No of self help groups, total members, nature of economic activities: self help groups-756, total members-10305,nature of economic activities-Stitching ,Food Processing, ornaments Making, Jute Product Making, Readymade Selling, Beauty Parlor/Therapy
Any other economic activity that is worth mentioning: Product making Through waste material like plastic bag, paper bag.
Art and Culture:
Report on traditional art, culture, music: Tagore Cultural Center (Ready to inaugurate) at ward 10.