ডেঙ্গুসংক্রান্তমধ্যমগ্রামএলাকাভিত্তিকযেকোনতথ্যজানাথাকলেসতর্কহোনওপুরসভাকতৃপক্ষেরকাছেজানান,পানীয়জলেরঅপচয়বন্ধকরুন,সঠিকসময়েকরপ্রদানকরুন, রাস্তাঘাটপরিস্কারপরিচ্ছন্নরাখুন,উন্নয়নমুলককাজেপৌরসভারসহিতসহযোগিতাকরুন, এলাকায়গাছলাগান...

 পশ্চিমবঙ্গ সরকারের সামাজিক ও জনকল্যানমূলক সমস্ত প্রকল্পের অনলাইন সুবিধা গ্রহনের জন্য সম্পুর্ন বিনামূল্যে মধ্যমগ্রাম পৌরসভার বাংলা সহায়তা কেন্দ্রে যোগাযোগ করুন।

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Madhyamgram Municipality

Sri Nimai Ghosh 


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Saturday, February 15, 2025


    Our Achievements

1.    To ensure peoples participation, ward committees in all wards have been formed and they are actively working in execution of various schemes.

2.    We run a transparent administration in every sphere of activities.

3.    Our ULB prioritizes the developmental work in slum areas where the poorest stake holders are concentrated. 

4.   We try to uplift the economic standards of women of the economically backward sections through SJSRY with some serious efforts. Already 475 Thrift and Credit Groups have been formed and almost 8330 women are engaged in such group activities. They have already received Rs. 87 lakhs as loans from this scheme and repayment rate is 100%.

5.   Computerized Tax Collection System & Financial Accounting System(FAULB)  are running effectively and Birth & Death registration, Trade Enlistment are Computerized (E-Governance)also. 

 6.   In a step towards e - governance we have arranged successfully computer training of all the employees of this ULB. Computer Training of the Health Personnel will start from March '06.

7.   As a part of Accounting reforms, we have already prepared Opening Balance Sheet as on 01/04/04 and submitted to CMU that of as on 01/04/05 for approval.

8.   To ensure standard services, Citizens Charter has been framed with citizens feed back after conducting workshop in the wards. 

9.   A grievance cell has been formed.

10. This ULB runs a 65 bed hospital with 11 bed I.C.C.U., Maternity, Emergency, Upgraded Pathology, X- Ray, ECG unit and OPD.

11. The football coaching camps are running successfully under the guidance of eminent national level players to give an exposure to our budding talents.

12. We have a 800 capacity A.C. Auditorium to promote cultural activities.

13. This ULB maintains 25 parks to provide a healthy environment to our citizens.

14. Mid - Day - Meal activities is going on in 27 primary schools.             

15. We have been able to provide Water Supply to about 80% residents of this ULB through Deep Tube wells and Hand Tube Wells.  

16. House to house garbage collection in each ward is being done since a long time. 

17. We have already taken measures to stop illegal unauthorized constructions by way of phase wise plan sanction. 

18. Sincere efforts are on to help the unemployed youth to earn a respectable livelihood. We have already formed 35 self help groups engaging more than 300 youths so far. 

      19. We have an Electric Crematorium.